Jailor is a unique role (along with: Godfather, Mayor, Retributionist, Veteran, Mafioso, Ambusher (+), Juggernaut (+), Plaguebearer (+), Pestilence (+), Pirate (+), Werewolf, Coven Leader (+), Necromancer (+), Medusa (+), Potion Master (+), Poisoner (+), Hex Master. Neutral Chaos - Vampire (Vamp), Pirate (+), Plaguebearer (Pb, +), Pestilence (Pest, +)Ĭoven Evil - Coven Leader (CL, +), Hex Master (HM, +), Poisoner (+), Potion Master (PM, +), Medusa (desu) (+), Necromancer (+, Necro)įun Fact: Jailor says Town Killing, but if there is already a Jailor on the role list, there can't be another jailor.
#Framer salem serial
Neutral Killing - Arsonist (Arso), Serial Killer (SK), Werewolf (WW), Juggernaut (Jugg) Neutral Evil - Executioner (Exe), Jester (Jest), Witch Neutral Benign - Amnesiac (Amne), Survivor (Surv), Guardian Angel (+, GA) Mafia Deception - Disguiser (Disg), Forger, Framer, Janitor (Jan), Hypnotist (Hypno) (+)

Mafia Support - Blackmailer (BM), Consigiere (Consig), Consort Mafia Killing - Godfather (GF), Mafioso, Ambusher (+) (Mostly Town are initialed, and on Ranked there is just random mafia, which can be any of the role below:) Town Killing (TK) - Jailor, Vampire Hunter (VH), Veteran (Vet), Vigilante (Vig) Town Investagative (TI) - Sheriff, Investigator (Invest), Spy, Lookout (LO), Tracker (+), Psychic (Psy) (+) Town Support (TS) - Escort (Esc), Mayor, Medium (Med), Retributionist (Retri), Transporter (Trans)

Town Protective (TP) - Doctor (Doc), Bodyguard (BG), Crusader (Crus) (+), Trapper (+) (+ Icon = New Roles with the Coven Update) "M-maybe one day I'll be a star too?" Town of Salem oneshot, Framer x Jester, cowritten.Here are all the possible alignments in the game, with all the roles and the nicknames/ abbreviations for the roles. Orphan_account Fandoms: Town of Salem (Video Game) Will they be able to turn the tables and find the source of their problems before more come into the town of Salem? Language: English Words: 7,642 Chapters: 5/? Kudos: 18 Hits: 401 Tales thought long dead have been resurfaced and an alliance between the weirdest people is formed to find the witch and repair all the chaos created by said witch. A normal day quickly gets out of hand, the next day the fact of a witch having joined the town and turning everything upside down comes to daylight.
#Framer salem archive
Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply.Language: English Words: 776 Chapters: 1/1 Kudos: 11 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 255