
Angular image viewer
Angular image viewer

angular image viewer

It is the color used on the hover event, when the button receive the mouse pointer It is the color used on the buttons on the options panel It is the background-color used on the footer and on the options panel It is the boolean that lets you choose if you want to load the component on the OnInit event or on the OnChanges event, It was created because i faced some trouble with the primeNG tab using the change event.

#Angular image viewer pdf

It is the boolean that renders the PDF only button It is the boolean that renders the options panel at the top right corner It is the boolean that renders the fullscreen button It is the boolean that renders the download button It is the tooltip value you want for the zoom out button It is the tooltip value you want for the zoom in button It is the boolean that renders the Zoom Out Button

angular image viewer

It is the boolean that renders the Zoom In Button It is the boolean that renders the resetZoom button It is the boolean that renders the rotate left and right buttons It is the default name used on the file to be downloaded, Ex: Image 1, Image 2 It is the array containing the base64 data, the component differs the images and the PDF files, so don't worry. It is the id of the component on the HTML, this parameter allows you to inject as many components as you wish. The component already have some input references: Name

angular image viewer

  • Download images and PDF files (no additional configuration required).
  • You can load URL images, Base64 images and pdf.
  • Show images and PDF files, you can navigate through it.
  • Ng2-Image Viewer uses MIT license, so you can use it as you wish, feel free to help contributing with the code. This component uses the Image Viewer JS in it's core.

    Angular image viewer